Gettysburg | Teen Ink


May 30, 2024
By PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
21 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They whispered to her,
'You Cant Withstand The Storm.'

She whispered back,
'I Am The Storm.'"

The spilling of brothers’ blood 

and fathers’ pride 

tint golden fields of our once honored land 

Lines had been drawn 

Sides have been made

Humble homes cut in two

by the Dixon line 

The fate of color 

left in the hands of white 

Our rivers run maroon  

Our homes raided and fields shallow graves 

We wait for the speech that will save our land 

Till such time the blood of brothers 

and pride of fathers   

will tint the once golden fields of our ravaged land 

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