The People in My Life | Teen Ink

The People in My Life

May 31, 2024
By Davidispoggers BRONZE, Langley, Columbia
Davidispoggers BRONZE, Langley, Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The people in my life

They come and go

Mostly irrelevant

Some hide a knife


Every day, every year

Many a man to interlope

Memories, faces, people, places

An endless spinning zoetrope


A day’s a station on the metro

Blurred multitude stepping off the train

On a journey, always passing

Close your fist around the rain


How many remember

What does it matter

Tears in an ocean

Pitter patter


A river is flowing

The current is strong

Sweeps me past beaches

Filled with happy throng


A thousand meetings

A million goodbyes

All of them fleeting

A bird in the skies


Actors, saying speeches of this and that

On an ageless stage

New Scenes, openings, and acts

Cities vanish with the turn of a page


Memories locked

In a vault so tight

A million miles

Beneath sun and light


As I close my eyes to sleep

My mind fills with visions of idyllic sunsets

Which fade into midnight deep

Of partings and empty spaces to me behest


I’ve given up trying

To learn new faces I meet

Or plans for conniving

Long-forgotten items, covered with a sheet


To what are we striving

At what object’s hest

The answer is nothing

Merely following the rest

The author's comments:

I am not an especially sad person. I do not like to dwell on traumatic events or unhappy events. If you see me on the street, you will likely think that I have never been sad all my life (unless it’s Monday morning). I have found that life is better if you do not dwell on the past and that playing the victim is a sign of immaturity. However, during some tumultuous years in my life, I composed the first poem. I was surprised that writing this poem gave me some closure and I have since felt much better. I hope these poems make you feel better as much as they made me feel better.


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