I dreamed a friend | Teen Ink

I dreamed a friend

May 31, 2024
By WUYIDA BRONZE, Jinan, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I do not know what the world will look like in the future, but you do. I do not know whether my dream will come true, but you do. I do not know what change will befall me imposed by the caprice of Fate, but you do. Thus, I hope that you can answer my questions.

When I was in primary school, I fancied scientific fiction and movies. At that time, I imagined wild technological inventions like the maglev family car and adjustable body temperature shirt... Maybe the Doraemon could be invented one day. However, later, I changed my idea about the future after witnessing humanitarian crises around the globe caused by ceaseless military conflicts, pandemic diseases, and development inequalities. Our beautiful world might be destroyed by our own hands. I hope that the disease, war, and hunger will disappear and that kindness and prosperity will exist perpetually in your world.

I dream of becoming a doctor. It is a sacred profession. Doctors fight with the death, race with time, safeguarding vital lives, with unique memories and experiences, from demising into an indifferent line on the electrocardiograph. With this dream, I found myself most captivated by chemistry and biology at school: chemical elements in equations manifest themselves like dancing notes, weaving a harmonious melody in my head, while swimming cells under a microscope, like magical genies, always leave me a wonderful performance. On weekends, I immersed myself in medical concepts, especially menacing diseases, whether it be cancer, pneumonia, or Alzheimer's. Do you hold the same professional aspiration, go to medical school, or does the whim of life guide you elsewhere? Either way, I hope you still remember the silent efforts of the little boy, and I hope you are gratified by these days and nights of hard work.

You always have a good heart, but sometimes you handle conflicts and problems too harshly. Inconsiderate words can hurt people’s feelings, which damages your relationship with the people you love. Towards your dream of helping others by curing, you must be gentle, calm in dealing with problems, and capable of controlling your emotions. I hope you are, if not, no matter because when I become you, I will correct your mistakes. You just stay true to yourself, and conduct everything with a free hand.

I understand we will never meet, thanks to the linearity of time, yet since I am becoming you, I wish you all the best.

The author's comments:

The topic which is "what do you think you needed to know about where your life gone"

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