A Winter's Night | Teen Ink

A Winter's Night

June 4, 2024
By julietsart BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
julietsart BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh beaming moon

You burst through translucent curtains

Almost as bright as the sun 

A nyctophilia’s nightmare. 

Crickets come out

To chirp in the pleasantry of the night 

Breaking a deathening barrier of silence.

The lambent light gleams 

Walls flicker as wax drips 

My dream catcher hangs saddened 

Weary of haunted nights 

My head turns to dust as it hits the pillow

Although it sought solace, 

After the days’ dreariness 

And its slight chance of apricity. 

The kettle sings

As honey sinks in my tea.

The stiff and cold quilt refuses warmth 

Hostile and stubborn it is.

No show of mercy 

To those deprived 

Sleeping away slippery sludge

Mud and snow collide.

I dream upon the wish of spring 

Chastened by winter 

I wait for sun 

To illuminate my room 

But all I have is you

Oh beaming moon 

The author's comments:

This piece resembles how winter can feel still, cold, or sad. As I grew up in my childhood home, my room stayed very cold even with the heat on. I tried to use descriptive details to create the image of my room.

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