Road not walked | Teen Ink

Road not walked

June 10, 2024
By Armaans BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
Armaans BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the woods, two paths diverged, unknown,
I took the one less traveled by, alone.
Through thicket and thorn, I journeyed on,
With hopes and dreams, my compass drawn.

Yet oft I wondered what lay unseen,
On the road not taken, where it had been.
Would it lead to fortune, or to woe?
In its mystery, I'll never know.

For life's journey is a winding track,
Each choice we make, we can't go back.
But in choosing the path less known,
I found adventure, all my own.

The author's comments:

I was heavily inspired by Robert frost 

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