Dearest | Teen Ink


June 17, 2024
By IssacTobias BRONZE, Stafford Springs, Connecticut
IssacTobias BRONZE, Stafford Springs, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg."

I should be able to say I love you.

The word love seems so controversial,

but I don’t care, I know all it means.

If I say I love you, I love you.

It doesn’t matter how;

Love should not stay romantic or familial.

I’ve already found romantic love.

It’s not the same as how I love you.

You’re like an older brother to me,

better than the one I already have.

You know you make me laugh a lot,

but you don’t know how much I need it.

You’re someone I can talk to about anything

and share my emotions without judgment.

I’ve never trusted anyone more.

I don’t flinch at any sudden contact from you.

I know you wouldn’t hurt me.

I wrote a Candy Gram as thank you

and paid for it to be sent,

but that only told you a quarter of what I feel towards you.

Still, I don’t think I wasted my couple of bucks.

I want the courage to send you letters,

ones that tell you everything.

“Dearest Older Brother Figure,

I thank you for all you’ve done. I love you.”

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