The Perfect Summer | Teen Ink

The Perfect Summer

July 13, 2024
By TalyshaTalks BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
TalyshaTalks BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Justice too long delayed is justice denied." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The white pavement under the soles of my feet meets the grass, the silent wind tickles the leaves of the big brown trees. 

Sunlight turns water into cascading streams on the tan block stones. Colored beach chairs occupied by students, awaiting their next class.

A towering Jenga-like building towers over the stones.

Birds grace the ground, picking at worms, 

Yellow, blue, purple, and pink flowers attract buzzing bumble bees. 

A train grinds on gravel, echoing through the city,

Students race to catch it before it departs. 

Butterflies hover gracefully above flowers,

Silent wind whispers through the leaves of big brown trees. 

The sun embraces my melanin, reminding me of the warmth within my skin. 

The author's comments:

I attend Boston University's Upward Bound program, a six-week on campus college prep program, and I had to free write based on the environment around me. My perspective was written when sitting in the COM lawn area. 

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