The Love That Isn't Mine | Teen Ink

The Love That Isn't Mine

July 14, 2024
By Fally728 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Fally728 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A passing smile everyday for the past 5 months that never failed to catch my eye every time,

That smile that never failed to make my day the greatest it's ever been,

The smile that shined better then the very sun we lived under,

Your simple words played like a beautiful melody played by Mozart himself,

Your eyes which contained the most life and so much enchantment that I would stare endlessly when your beautiful smile spoke beautiful words to me,

I could replay your laugh every minute of everyday and your silly jokes that made the world smile in your direction,

The comfort and warmth of your hugs that would posses me to never let go or I might lose you,

You held so much happiness in your hands and heart how couldn't I fight for you?

You were my greatest blessing from this world, my greatest friend, and someone I couldn't have completely,

Your messages meant more to me over time and bothered me more if I never got one from my sweet boy,

Your kisses ever so gentle I felt so light as if I were on clouds and would be blown away,

Your care and admiration made me ever so happy, my love was yours,

But you weren't mine.

Never mine to posses or keep hidden from the world,

You were hers,

No matter how much love I gave to account for us both, it could only do so much,

You looked her way, where the light shined so bright you couldn't look away,

Although you were "over her", when her name was brought up you tore it down before it could ever arise,

Did you love the love I gave?

Or did you love that I was like her?

Was it ever real?

My questions and thinking became to much for you to handle, to much while not even being together,

I had no right to question you, right?

You let me go so easily, was my love never enough?

Did I love you to much that you looked the other way?

Like a flower picked just to be thrown away?

Although it all, your still a wonderful being, I went back to seeing you pass, but instead of your smile, I got your tilted head to the floor, almost as if I was shunned,

I meant so little you wouldn't waste your time to look at me.

Months go by and I still yearn for everything you are,

The passion you had for the things you loved, the passion for me you once had,

I couldn't go back, I deserved better then pointless words and silly actions,

I deserved commitment and effort, Something you weren't ready for,

You'll always be a wonderful being in my eyes, but your love never belonged to me,

Your love wasn't mine, and it's okay,

You taught me self respect and patience, but at what cost?

A lesson I'll never forget,

A song I'll always remember,

And a person I'll always love.

The author's comments:

A talking stage gone wrong, someone you fell so hard for while never being in a relationship with, so your actions didn't seem like it mattered, He wasn't yours, But he was. Feeling like a rebound and ending the stage and regretting not doing more, but later accepting what's happened.

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