Ladder | Teen Ink


July 23, 2024
By LaylaCapri BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
LaylaCapri BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                          Climbing a ladder upside down.

                                          Even to ascend, it’s profound.

                                              I climb up to go down,

                                 Soon to drown from the ocean of salty tears.

                                       The murky darkness full of my fears.

                                Cost my soul a dime of its worth for my time.

                                       My life is upside down, so is my frown.

                                                The ladder will falter.

                                        I find myself at the serpent’s altar.

                                          I told it I wanted my tears back

                                   From all the ones who shattered the inside.

                                       The snake gave me my own cyanide

                                          To heal the feelings I can’t find.

                                        My body now bound to the ladder,

                                          My soul now never to be found.

                                        Forever descending into the ocean,

                                             I finally reach the surface,

                                  To see the ocean is blood from the ones I love.

                                     A soaked red dove abandoned from above,

                                          Its wings clipped, never to soar,

                                   Waiting to drown from the salty tears to pour.

The author's comments:

I am Layla Capri Brown of Jacksonville, FL. I am 13 years old and recently completed 7th grade. I enjoy writing and reading poetry, and aspire to get published in the future. Thank you for considering my work. 

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