Moth. | Teen Ink


September 14, 2009
By Sionz BRONZE, Berlin, Connecticut
Sionz BRONZE, Berlin, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


In the Darkness it feels welcome,
It feels Equal.
Sleeping, waiting to be welcome and embraced by the world,
Just like all the Beautiful Butterfly’s before it.
Growing in its own way dreaming of a Great existence.
The Mystical process is now complete,
As it starts to fight for a life anew, a small sparkling ray of sunlight beams threw a torn hole.
Fighting even harder it finally emerges with Happiness and Pure beliefs.
It looks out in awe in all the worlds beauty
But the world looks back with disgust.
For it is not a beautiful butterfly, but a ugly moth,
A moth that will be alone and its beliefs will never be heard.
Banished by the world it found its self Wishing everyday it could be that Beautiful Butterfly.

The author's comments:
I was sick of feeling like the outcast. Or seeing people be treated differntly for no reason based on looks. No one takes the time to really hear out what people are saying.

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