The Father | Teen Ink

The Father

November 14, 2009
By Dana6 PLATINUM, Ashburn, Virginia
Dana6 PLATINUM, Ashburn, Virginia
29 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

He saved my life but I’ve only seen Him in my dreams.
He is so mysterious but His creations are so obvious.
He is so complicated but speaks in such simple words.
He is so humble but has done such amazing things.
He cannot be described in words but He does not want praise.
He deserves to be treated as a king but He died for the sins of peasants.
He creates the disease but He heals the people.
He makes the fish and bread scarce but He turns that few fish into enough to feed the masses.
He is hated by so many but all He gives is love.
He is betrayed but He forgives.
He is my life but I will not meet him until death.
He saved my soul but I feel unworthy.
He gave me everything but demands nothing in return.
He loves me infinitely but I can’t comprehend his love, it is too great.
I am his daughter but He is The Father.

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