just another day | Teen Ink

just another day

December 19, 2009
By Jjane SILVER, Uithoorn, Other
Jjane SILVER, Uithoorn, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Just another day.

Faded away, scy's black,
fifteen miles away from home,
away from myself.
Who's the one that controlls me?
Who's the one who gets me through this world.
Disasters made by us,
we are proud, we are good,
Look what we've done.
Flowerfields of painfull souls,
pain is just a way we choose,
pain is part of life,
love is something we are forst to feel,
but what to feel when it's gone?
when it's destroyed,
beneath our souls.
Darkness won it's game,
light faded away through it's fame.
We wanted to be heard,
we wanted to be seen.

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