People taste like wine | Teen Ink

People taste like wine

January 30, 2010
By fara renner BRONZE, Somerset, New Jersey
fara renner BRONZE, Somerset, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are going to be people who you want to change.
Their life style doesn’t suite your eye sight.
The way they believe themselves, makes you envious.
It’s hard to judge a perfect cover if you don’t know what’s inside.
So, you open that book up.
Being the nosy person you are; You go straight to their history.
All the juicy gossip absorbed in the first few pages, makes your eyes glitter, sparkle even.
You realize you’re better then them, but not by much, yet you still wonder.

People fancy them like rich people fancy gross old wine.
They taste their sweet erupting socialism, wanting more.
More, more, just give them more.
The taste makes then dizzy, maybe ever paranoid.
Intoxicating rush that’s sunken into their blood streams.
Sweet, tart, classifying…
Who you are is a classic wine tasting trick.

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