Forget Yesterday and Take This Chance... | Teen Ink

Forget Yesterday and Take This Chance...

February 1, 2010
By anythingimaginable SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
anythingimaginable SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Forget the flaws of yesterday and take this chance
As purple petals between rusty leaves know they belong.
In silence or with the wind, feel free to dance.
For buried footprints back and forth mark times in a trance
But here, dig in the sand and uncover a hidden song.
Forget the flaws of yesterday and take this chance.

Even if gray clouds make a hindering advance,
Along the horizon, they will be pushed musically along
In silence or with the wind, feel free to dance.

Also, don't ache holding on to ancient romance,
For every natural heart knows how to beat strong.
Forget the flaws of yesterday and take this chance

Now, don't look back with any sudden glance,
While running through a forest of right and wrong.
In silence or with the wind, feel free to dance.

And when dusk comes, darkness will enhance,
For a moment in the sun never lasts long.
Forget the flaws of yesterday and take this chance.
In silence or with the wind, feel free to dance.

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