Cause and Affect | Teen Ink

Cause and Affect

February 14, 2010
By Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suck it"

Im sorry for what happened
how things turned out
I know exactly where things went wrong
where things took a turn for the worst
and im sorry to say
it was my fault
Im the cause
and this is the affect.

We've learned from eachother
the diffrence between I love you
and I love this...

You've taught me
what happens
when you fall head over heals
for someone your not meant to be with
But to be honest
I couldn't feel worse about what Ive done.
The pain ive caused you and let alone myself.

I know we say maybe its for the best
But I honestly question that.

I wish we could change things
and get back to normal
But we both know

That wont happen.

The author's comments:
Wrote about a previous break up from my ex's perspective... and im not blaming him when I say "Im sorry to say it's my fault. Im the cause and this is the affect." Im only saying that because he broke it off. Not me. Ya know??? anyways...

Thanks :)

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