The Days of Innocence | Teen Ink

The Days of Innocence

February 15, 2010
By randomwriter1 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
randomwriter1 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There were the days of innocence.

The days where you could just let go and feel free.
The days when “Don’t Run!” and “Be Quiet” didn’t exist.

The days that you dream of and miss as an adult,
But take for granted as a child.
The days when you had the stereotypical future planned,
As a movie star, teacher, pro sports player, or ballerina.

The days where friends could be made in an instant.
The days when genders didn’t matter.

The days that don’t survive anymore,
Whether you’re in an office, cubicle, or school.
The days when you had no obligations, responsibilities,
Or care for things going on around you.

The days where after school there was always a play-date.
The days when arts and crafts decorated your home.

The days when all you did was read, run, dance,
Play, jump, goof around, or just plain have fun.
Those days, that gave you the feeling we all love,
The feeling that you were, indestructible.

The author's comments:
Inspired by the Kavanagh family

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