Insane | Teen Ink


March 17, 2010
By kevincj2 GOLD, Hanover, Maryland
kevincj2 GOLD, Hanover, Maryland
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every thing we see or seem is but a dream within a dream- edgar allen poe

Have i no sense?, am i crazy?
Ive let go of reality, if I come back is a mabey
In my wake ive left my mental
For it was to much to handel
My mind wasint true, it was unstable
To the point of thoughts of fairytales and fabels

Every fact opressed by my mind into fiction
Oh so terrified, oh so scared, of realitys mission
To take my mind back to its home
But I am determined to make it leave me alone
Reality, with its trials, drives me to insanity
So in a way reality is insane with all its vanity

Crazy I am, jumping into everything head first
With no sense, I never expect the worse
Will i ever change my ways?
From this insane mind set will i stray?
Am i too deep in my insane brain to leave
Or am i a free mind that escapes from reality with ease

An insane mind dosent look at life as life
But as a time to see things without sight
For an insane mind is one with a glitch
And confines the opressed to life in a straight jacket
Arms crossed, beyond use, leaves us lost
Mind stranded, limited use, is a crazy thought

I have no sense, i am crazy
Not being accepted, theyre gonna put a end to me
And because of my disability i am stuck
So it came down to two roads and the the decision was rough
But i took the one that defys reality
And Took the one that runs deeper and deeper into insanity

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