Unrhymed poetry (words driving on my craniums super highway) | Teen Ink

Unrhymed poetry (words driving on my craniums super highway)

April 11, 2010
By SamWa SILVER, Marlboro, New Jersey
SamWa SILVER, Marlboro, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Unfortunately I reside on this stoop, its like my very own throne. Except it’s more like a hill that I get to sit on and watch the world work. All alone in my spacious train of thought I sit staring out the window, watching the world work. I see every precious flaw implemented by every leader who ever was. Although I hold a face filled with blankness and stability, there is so much more than what the deceptive story line of my eyes can take credit for. The golden reflection running through my light brown eyes can barely process the dark gray reality it perceives. Believe in me, believe in yourself, just believe in something. It’s a colorless world without some form of faith.

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