Comedy/ Tragedy | Teen Ink

Comedy/ Tragedy

April 14, 2010
By nonsensical BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
nonsensical BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do what you love, Love what you do. And **** the rest.

Writing comedies only works for so long. I need a tragedy for now.
Stop the mariges and light the fires.
Stop the dreams and all that aspires.
Silence the laughter and crank up the sobs.
No more friendships just debts to mobs.
Happiness is dwindling and sorrow is thriving.
Enough with honesty and love, just add in more conniving
Let sad be the norm and joy the outcast.
This tale is sure to end, because no tragedy will last.
So let everything fall apart.
And let life be a tragedy.

The author's comments:
What happens when happiness isn't the norm?

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