For you? A thousand apologies. | Teen Ink

For you? A thousand apologies.

April 28, 2010
By HongK BRONZE, Flushing, New York
HongK BRONZE, Flushing, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

dead at night, 2:30 AM, a thousand apologies for you
the reason for this fake insomnia? i haven't got a clue
or maybe i do. the same few memories replay only here
a no there, a yes i don't even know where. it all came down to what i feared
my own two knees, even though one is scarred, will come down
only to you, a thousand apologies, the only person in town
then i'll blurt out all i did wrong and for that little moment i won't seem as strong
i would go on and on for who knows how long
until you stop me and respond all hope is gone
i believe i'll stop with tears in my eyes, at least now i know I've tried
but who am i kidding, i'll never get a chance to say
a thousand apologies, no matter how badly i want to repay
so it's back to 2:30 AM, along with my dreams
for a thousand apologies, so it may seem

The author's comments:
This poem's title was actually inspired by a quote from the novel "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Sometimes when one realizes his wrong doings, it's often too late for vindication. The pain is at its pinnacle when the realization is, well, finally clear. I hope that many people can relate to this.

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