Confident | Teen Ink


June 8, 2010
By Ms.Butterfl BRONZE, Stl, Missouri
Ms.Butterfl BRONZE, Stl, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

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Life is about trustin our feelings and taking chances,loosing and finding happiness,appreciating the memories and learning from the past ♥ ♥

If I am confident in myself,I gain confidence from others.I have to have confident in myself and ablities so I can be strong enough to follow through.
With courage I can take the risk of anything.If I am confident in myself,I believe I am at the top of the world.Having confident in myself does not means I walk around thinking i'm better than others,it just means I walk with my head up high.I never look down on anyone but reach out to help.The skills I have are not to boast,but to create a context in which other people can think.I have the strength to be compassionate, the heart to be forgiven and the wisdom to be humble.I am confident in myself.

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on Aug. 27 2010 at 9:06 am
Ms.Butterfl BRONZE, Stl, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is about trustin our feelings and taking chances,loosing and finding happiness,appreciating the memories and learning from the past ♥ ♥

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