The Hut | Teen Ink

The Hut

June 10, 2010
By EdwardS SILVER, Woodstock, Virginia
EdwardS SILVER, Woodstock, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Put a piece on the floor, for your dead homies" -Derek C.

There's this number I like to call
Whenever I am down and full of despair
Always on a gloomy day, as I sit next to the cold, foggy window
Two rings, always two rings, and then... AN ANSWER

From that point on, I spill my everything to the person on the other end.
My dark thoughts, my distant feelings, my confusion and fear of growing up
Getting older, getting stranger
I tell this person Everything
The phone call exceeds ten minutes
and I just keep going and going
I tell him how disturbed I have become
How my recurrent nightmare is real

I tell him of my relationship problems, my family problems, and Death...
Every time, I get the same response:

"Sir, I don't believe I can put all of this on a pizza"

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