Deepest Corner of the World | Teen Ink

Deepest Corner of the World

July 4, 2010
By PoetryGoddess10 BRONZE, Lithonia, Georgia
PoetryGoddess10 BRONZE, Lithonia, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

What you see is a smile,
But as she slowly closes her eyes,
And tears depart one after another,
She envisions herself doing what she does best,
Hiding and running, running and hiding
Not from a physical figure but from her own thoughts,
From the anguish and pain overflowing from her heart,
From disappointments and mistakes chasing her,
Into the deepest, darkest corner of the world
The funny thing is that sometimes for a spilt second
The pain and the tears stop,
They give up looking for her soul to devour,
The negativity and weakness cease searching for her mind to overtake,
But oh how naïve she is to think they will ever stop
To believe the pessimism and heartache will ever disappear, vanish,
To anticipate she will be protected from
The everlasting sorrow
She desires peace of mind
Satisfaction ,
Happiness, that word she so effortlessly laughs at
Is nowhere to be found
Risking pain finding her for one smile
Not even guaranteed to last is no longer even an option
Believe in faith she is told,
Trust in God’s word,
Cast all your burdens unto him,
But you know as well has she does that things are
So much easier said than done,
How faith can be so quickly lost
She never means to compare her situations
Her circumstances,
Her life, to those around her
It is done self-consciously though
To see a genuine glow in the face of another
She often contemplates, "why cant that be me? "
So now you see,
You see why she can never stop,
Hiding and running, running and hiding
Not from a physical figure, but from her own thoughts,
From her mistakes, disappointments, anguish, pain and sorrow
So heavily overflowing from her heart
Because no matter how fast she runs,
Or how advantageously she hides,
She’ll forever
Ill forever be chased into the
Deepest and darkest corner of the world

The author's comments:
Being pushed into a corner isnt easy. All I saw were the negatives. You have to be strong enough to stand up and find your light at the end of that tunnel.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jul. 27 2010 at 9:16 pm
PoetryGoddess10 BRONZE, Lithonia, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
awww thank you so much!!

Felicia GOLD said...
on Jul. 27 2010 at 2:01 pm
Felicia GOLD, Chandler, Arizona
18 articles 0 photos 63 comments
5 stars x100

Felicia GOLD said...
on Jul. 27 2010 at 2:01 pm
Felicia GOLD, Chandler, Arizona
18 articles 0 photos 63 comments
i really dont get why this doesnt have any comments. i mean this should be like my theme song and im sure its the same for others!