Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

July 12, 2010
By HippieChick PLATINUM, Cincinnati, Ohio
HippieChick PLATINUM, Cincinnati, Ohio
20 articles 3 photos 2 comments

I am from guitar strings
from Gibson and lost picks
I am from little children
hiding their faces behind small hands
they laugh and don't have a care in the world
I am from spiral notebooks
my deepest thoughts
together in rhyme where no one will find them

I am from art and music
from Kymber and Jay
I am from the hard heads
and the goof balls
from "groovy, man" and "shnone it!"
I am from Across the Universe
with a curious cat
and a dog that licks my face

I am from Cincinnati and colourful houses
spicy foods and homemade salsa
from the beach in Mexico
where I feel the sand between my toes

I am from 1969
from flowing skirts
and a flower in my hair
I am from exploring nature
and loving life
I am from hippie freaks and best friends
from hula hoops and psychology
I am from peace

I am from big fields and big cities
from the stage
where hot lights pour over me
I am from accents and laughs
from hundreds of people
all within me,
waiting to be released

I am from one sided kindness
from not fitting in
and not wanting to
I am from a kiss in the pool
a simple act that changed my life
From delighted to depressed

I am from dark memories
from tears and hidden faces
I am from weird clothes and different personalities
I am from no God
and I am going to Hell
But I am from a Buddha
who teaches me to be nice

Under my bed was a broken heart
spilling ancient tears
encouraged by harsh words
from girls who couldn't see
I am from those moments
that linger in my mind
colourful and crazy on a cool afternoon

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