Fallen Angel | Teen Ink

Fallen Angel

September 25, 2010
By xnasaga BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
xnasaga BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

As my body falls the only thought I can think of is not loving anyone. With the despair of my heart, I am engulfed in the pain of my own soul. A fallen angel is no name to call me. The shadows pour their own hatred in my heart. There is only darkness in my heart, not even a light to guide my way. Pain, the feeling is horrible to an extent I could never imagine. My body is changing the pure heart that i once had is now under the power of hate. Tears float filled with sadness and the hatred of the shadows. How long have I been falling? Will someone even help me? No one is coming. Why? Does everyone hate me? Will my death solve everyone's problem? No one is coming! I can not even imagine the pain that I have put on people. When their blood drips I only watch as a scared little boy. Why wont my body move? If only I could move. It should of have been me who died that night. Why wont you allow me to take his place? He did not deserve this nightmare, it was my fault I was not strong enough. Pain, the feeling is horrible to an extent I could never imagine. My body is changing the pure heart that i once had is now under the power of hate. Tears float filled with sadness and the hatred of the shadows. How long have I been falling? Will someone even help me? No one is coming. Why? Does everyone hate me? Will my death solve everyone's problem? No one is coming! I can not even imagine the pain that I have put on people. When their blood drips I only watch as a scared little boy. Why wont my body move? If only I could move. It should of have been me who died that night. Why wont you allow me to take his place? He did not deserve this nightmare, it was my fault I was not strong enough.

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