why didn't i die | Teen Ink

why didn't i die

October 4, 2010
By grayswan SILVER, Bronx, New York
grayswan SILVER, Bronx, New York
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

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my heart is closed i can't see alot of wat people see, the sadness of my life consumed it now that so much happened i wonder if it'll ever be open so i can find out why .why im here my purpose and why i shouldn't dissapear atleast yet.......

I wish i had died that day
no one even knows the pain
why does nothing go right
why does everyone i care about hurt me
why that day lying on a hospital bed i didn't die
why god why do u fate me to be so un happy
god do me one favor kill me
let me die now then just end it
im not happy,not satified, hurt everyday
why me? why am i here? why was i ever born
i should have been aborted,still born, something why didn't i die?

The author's comments:
its what is don't judge cuase no matter what you say its the truth

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