Playing with words | Teen Ink

Playing with words

January 5, 2011
By Smurphy10 BRONZE, West Chicago, Illinois
Smurphy10 BRONZE, West Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Forget the past. Live the present, and look forward to the future." -Myself

Pause for a moment
Look at the world around you
Then hit the play button in your mind
That sets everything into motion
The sound of music playing
As if Itzhak Perlman
Playing his violin just for you
While the children dance and play with him.

Stop for a moment
And go to world out side from here
While the rust color orange and red leaves
Fall to the ground
As the season of fall is being pulled by the past summer
Slip and fall head over heals
And fall in love with the first girl you meet

Just for a moment
Don’t worry about the broken China
Break some wood to take off the steam
Don’t break up with her because of a simple plate
It’s not like she broke your heart
It’s just a couple of broken bones

Wake up
To the blinding light
From the cold metal table u sleep on during surgery
Get up and get out
To the blinding hot sun
Against the cool crisp air
Watch as the big puffs of storm clouds
Cover up the bright sky
As the lightning and thunder blow up the sky
Like bombs being thrown in war zone
And walk home to the moon lighting your way like a flash light

Pause for a moment
Look at the world around you
Look up at that moon
And the space that surrounds it
The unknown secrets fill your mind
Like the graveyard keeper filling the hole in the ground
From which and unknown murder suspect was killed
Next to her is the empty space for the new victim
Ready to be filled with the unknown secrets
Only the victims would know.

The author's comments:
This poem is just taking words and using them in different ways that can connect to make a kind of story.

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