Bright Eyes | Teen Ink

Bright Eyes

January 17, 2011
By hurshikissx3 PLATINUM, Merrimca, Massachusetts
hurshikissx3 PLATINUM, Merrimca, Massachusetts
24 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Fragile, spinning words, we remember
The train, the tunnel, the light being lost in his eyes
Taken, weeping, he held his mother's hand, swallowed
Next in darkness, innocence gone, he thought of dancing
Under the moon with his brothers, the shining glass
Broken on the shore of the shimmering, taunting sea.

Memories come back sometimes, at random bursts I see
His face, his smile, slowly fade, which brings me to remember
The salty, looming, shattered glass
Next to, coming towards, his tiny child's eyes
That only knew laughing, sunshine and dancing
In his life, no one ever thought he'd be swallowed.

A Tuesday morning, rushing, he and his mother swallowed,
Gulped up breakfast, never looking back at the sea
That will now lure in evil, crashing waves dancing
Like nothing such I could forget to remember.
A brother, a child, a friend, he was, blameless eyes
Never having seen dark, murder, shattered glass.

The glistening, shaken, cornered glass
Sings to him, surely harmful if swallowed
Grabbed on and would not let go of his bring eyes,
The color of the sky on a perfect, clear day, or the spinning sea.
Crying, silent, listening to distant memories, I remember
His grin with missing teeth, his goofy dancing

Shadows, a ghost he is today, lifts me from sleep, dancing
Peacefully to the sound of what he found, my colorful glass
Still lies a plain jar, left alone, not dare remembered
For fear of being shriveled up, lost, swallowed
In bad times, tears, and thoughts distant from now, lost in the sea
Of his smile, his dancing, his still visible bright blue eyes.

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