all alone | Teen Ink

all alone

January 9, 2011
By smurphs PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
smurphs PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i know that we all have pasts, and we all have things to work through. i know that we all hate life sometimes. i know that what kills us only makes us stronger, but sometimes it gets to hard to remember.
i keep forgetting i'm not alone, but its easy to forget because no one is doing a very good job of keeping me company.
there's no need to comfort me, because i'm still waiting for the day when i know i can be on my own and the day the sh** you do becomes petty.
but while i'm waiting, i'm dying. i'm crushing. i'm crumbling down to nothing. your wearing me out. life is wearing me out.
i need to be alone. i need to feel bad for myself. i need to cry. i need to hate. i need to yell and scream.
but i need to be strong. i need to be happy… but i can't promise it.
just like i can't promise you wont hurt me again, even though you did.
my heart is heavy, its weighted on with your problems.
your supposed to be helping me.
your the one that should be watching out for me,
but all my life its been me.
and all my life its going to be me.
just me…
and that scares me.

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