Sometimes Lies are Better than the Truth | Teen Ink

Sometimes Lies are Better than the Truth

January 21, 2011
By natalie2467 SILVER, Mandeville, Louisiana
natalie2467 SILVER, Mandeville, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The one I love has lied
Kept thoughts hidden deep inside
I never would have guessed
That he would bring me to feel such loneliness

“I loved you all along”
He said to me
And I childishly believed
But he had not seen my beauty
So easily

His love grew over time
The same as mine
His integrity makes it impossible to rebuke
But sometimes lies are better than the truth

His letter held the truth to his tales
It was a sad letter
But brought forth no tears
Just numbness
And a rush of memories I keep locked away
That box opens only rarely

Now my armor is becoming thick
My walls build back up
Brick by brick

I’m forced back to reality
To look at myself
Through the eyes of humanity

The last paragraph was too short to redeem
The despair the rest had caused to me
He spoke of the depth of his love
And apologized for the rest
Not knowing is caused me such distress

I cannot help but see EVERYTHING differently
Though I have loved him all along so passionately

Something in me has died
I only wish to find
A way to mend the mess
And forget all this truthfulness

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece after painful truths were revealed to me that had happened during the beginning of my relationship. I sometimes wish i could have gone on not knowing these truths, because it has made me look at all of my memories that i have had with this person in a different light.

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