The Adventure | Teen Ink

The Adventure

January 26, 2011
By loulou16 BRONZE, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
loulou16 BRONZE, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments

However far you travel
Along the winding path
Stopping every now and then
To take a rest and gaze up
To enjoy the world
The flowers beside you
The blowing wind
Then you continue on
Only to stop again
There’s no rush
Life is a journey
However long it may seem
Full of stepping stones
Each achieved by time and patience

Let us seen one who rushes down the road
Missing all the things that matter
Beauty, happiness,
Only to reach a destination
Set up from the start
That looms in the distance
And once it has been achieved
The End of the Path
No where to go and no beauty to enjoy
Because there’s no rush
Life is a journey
However long it may seem
Full of stepping stones
Each achieved by time and patience

Now life is but a journey
Many places to see
Many places that have been seen
Many times to come
Many times have passed
May a smile always rest upon your face
And remember
There’s no rush
Life is a journey
However long it may seem
Full of stepping stones
Each achieved by time and patience
Enjoy it while you have it.

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