The Letter | Teen Ink

The Letter

February 23, 2011
By crazyisperfect. GOLD, Arcata, California
crazyisperfect. GOLD, Arcata, California
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments

To You,

[to you]
‘me’ is still intact
without an ‘us’
there’s no reason for it to become two
but [for me]
‘me’ is broken
and the m topples over
and becomes
[to you]
you don’t miss love
because you never knew it
a human doesn’t miss sonar radiation
an ant doesn’t miss emotion
but [to me]
I write apologetic
letters to love
every day
hoping for Forgiveness
to handcuff Remorse
and separate us two
with beanstalk bars
that never cease to grow

[to you]
there is still a choice
because you haven’t decided yet
[to me]
my choice has been made
my wrong choice has been made
I’m at a dead end in the maze now
and while Love blindfolded me
with musty red bandanas,
maize grew in behind me
My bandana’s off now
[to you]
there is hope
[to me]
there was hope
[to you] [to me]
to you.

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