Everything Falls Apart | Teen Ink

Everything Falls Apart

April 8, 2011
By Rogly BRONZE, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Rogly BRONZE, Norfolk, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all falls down, fights, arguments, drama
I’m sick of it all. Why try so hard?
Pain, turmoil, tears running, dripping,
Warmth on the side of your face. Memories turning to depression.
All the good times together, long talks and understanding
Shutting you out, confusion, darkness, black.
Holding hands, love – what you thought was love,
Betrayal, the flowers on your table.

The lights shining down while dancing so close,
Feeling every rhythm of each others body,
Warmth of the flashes against your face.

Then it’s over, nothing can fix it
Talking, arguing back and forth,
Moments of bliss, engine running smoothly,
Clanking of the pistons, rubbing, friction

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