the attractive storm | Teen Ink

the attractive storm

March 26, 2011
By Kayleigh PLATINUM, Belmont, New Hampshire
Kayleigh PLATINUM, Belmont, New Hampshire
23 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"when something good is in your grasp do not let it slip away"

the rain falls,
and patters.
against the windows in the car,
pulses rapidly,
getting louder and louder.
like a heartbeat when near the one you love.
then ceases for a while,
everything goes silent.
but the sound of the cars engine.
the rain splatters the hood,
lighting flashes,
and luminously fills the sky.
like an explosion.
the thunder claps, BOOM BOOM
and the car trembles.
another boom fills the air,
i sit in the car glancing out the window,
the storm brightens up the field,
and lights up the street.
i adore these days when i relax and watch the rain.
but sooner or later i fall asleep,
and the rain stops.

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