The Corrupted Angels | Teen Ink

The Corrupted Angels

April 28, 2011
By MyPoeticDream SILVER, Hot Springs, Arkansas
MyPoeticDream SILVER, Hot Springs, Arkansas
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
People say i'm strange does that make me a stranger, My best friend was born in a manger

From the first…generation.. Of Angels
Came the corrupted ones.

Blinded by lust and greed for the women of earth
Thus came their need for sin

Revolting against the Mighty One to achieve their desires
They descended onto the earth

Teaching the secrets of heaven in exchange for pleasure
The planet growing more polluted

Learning more
And more
And more sin
With each passing day
The corrupted angels showing them every vile and morbid way

Azazel begins to cry out to the heavens
“We know we have sinned.
Oh, please Lord forgive us”

The Lord looked down upon the angels
Fury in his eyes

Casting them in a cavern of fire
The dust shutting their mouths
Forever and the ever

The Veil of lust blinds the eyes of every, man
Even those that was closest to the Lords right hand

The author's comments:
The inspiration for this poem came from a book that was banned from the bible called "The Book Of Enoch". Read it when you get the chance

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