My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

April 23, 2011
By _paigeemp PLATINUM, Dayton, Ohio
_paigeemp PLATINUM, Dayton, Ohio
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"No boy is worth crying over, and the one who is won't make you cry."

You're my hero.
How could you not be?
You're brave, nice, and smart.
And so much more.

You're my hero.
You brought me into this world.
And saved my life - keeping me in it.
And I'll never forget that.

You're my hero.
You were a single mom raising two kids for the longest time.
And I look up to you.
You're strong.

You're my hero.
You stand up for yourself.
And I get my emotional side from you.

You're my hero.
And I love you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this as a freshman in high school. My mom inspired me to write this piece because she has been through a lot in her lifetime. Also, shortly before I wrote this, we had been in a bad car accident and she was the reason that we all lived through it.

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