The Thursday | Teen Ink

The Thursday

April 3, 2011
By caranyak45 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
caranyak45 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" When you want something,the whole universe conspires you to achieve it. " The Alchemist. ~Paulo Coelho

The night lay still and dark,
Deathly silence prevailing,
Not exactly silent,
But only two dogs barking,
It was Three at night and I woke,
Putting myself under garments,
Fumbling for my decanter,
And searching it with success,
Headed for my path,
In my car,
I lit a cigar and puffed in my lungs,
And took a smoke
Drove away fast from the dust-studded and congested area,
Entered into a vast-area of plain,
Looked at the shining moon
Trying to find its ways amongst the shadowy clouds,
I gave a faint and cold smile,
And went on my way,
Gulped a drought of the whisky I brought,
Crushed the extinguished cigar with all the disgust in my mind
While cold breaths kept coming on my way,
And kept on driving further,
After reaching the ugly grey and rocky valleys,
The threatening and menacing cold,
Made me clench my jacket closer to me to intake warmth,
Taking another gulp of the whisky,
I sat down on the edge of a weathered rock,
Looked down in the deep rift,
And kept gulping,
Thinking of the distance, which I could have covered from my house.
I went quietly to that place where I had shot my dear friend,
As we drunk, gambled, and fought and I with my gun,
Moreover, Alas!
I will never forget that day when I committed this sin,
The last year and this day it had been,
I was quite unstable and my heart seemed to ache with some unbearable pain,
I knelt down on my knees and touched the blood studded soil,
Moreover, a tear trickled down my cheeks,
I cursed myself and I wished that God sent me to heaven after death,
But instincts and common sense come in different quantities.
I presently feel so bad about that day and I cannot forgive myself,
Because I did not only commit a sin by killing a human,
But even a greater one,
By taking away the life of a special person,
No one but my own best friend.
The moonlight shone brightly upon me, where I sat kneeling down,
As if highlighting my sin in front of the whole world,
Still touching the blood-stained soil and that empty decanter in the other hand,
And kept looking at the dark cloud studded star.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 5 2011 at 4:26 am
caranyak45 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" When you want something,the whole universe conspires you to achieve it. " The Alchemist. ~Paulo Coelho

Thanx a lot..:)

on Jun. 3 2011 at 7:44 pm
PennyM.L SILVER, Lynwood, California
7 articles 0 photos 53 comments
wow this is beautiful. I love the words you used, and everything is just so perfect :)