An Ode to Seabirds and their Heartless Endeavors | Teen Ink

An Ode to Seabirds and their Heartless Endeavors

May 9, 2011
By CodytheModern BRONZE, Hartville, Ohio
CodytheModern BRONZE, Hartville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Accept Loss Forever&quot;<br /> &quot;Isolated tress...that kind that look as if they might like to grab and eat you.&quot;<br /> &quot;Liars Prosper.&quot;

Seabird calls

To the setting sun,

A glowing red

And swims on the darkening horizon line

The surface is plastered over like a pane of black glass

Illuminated under stars that shine like Pluto

Evil ocean waters of the night swallow the shore

With the tangible taste of salt on the tongue

Mocking, annotating, hallucinating, shadows

Monsters dance in the sand

Are no match for

The seabird sings soft and solemn sonnets

With every flap of feather

Seabird takes wing to palpitating flight

Enriching Darkness with forgotten lullabies of Light

With wings between air

And hearts between Loves

Seabird soars between dreams and days

Overlooking watery graves

In a dull but cloudless haze

Seabird calls

To the widow in her house

And to the artist in his hat

Seabird calls

To the fishermen and their sailing, swaying ships

And to the Lovers on the beach

And the footprints they leave behind

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote as an ode to Seabirds when i was thinking about the beach.

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