The Worst Day Ever | Teen Ink

The Worst Day Ever

May 8, 2011
By Kourtneyyyy BRONZE, Lady Lake, Florida
Kourtneyyyy BRONZE, Lady Lake, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up late to school one day
and rushed so I could be on my way.
The bell was ringing when I pulled up
the teachers yelled out, “Hurry Up!”
As I ran to the door I tripped up the stairs
and of course my jeans had to be full of tears.
I finally made my way to class
but soon was stopped and had to get a pass.
I sat down relieved in my seat
and tried really hard not to cheat.
I then fell asleep, drooling on the desk
didn’t mean to make a mess
but the teacher didn’t mention
she was handing out detentions.
This was the longest day of my life
and I felt like stabbing myself with a knife.
Lunch tasted like a box
and I forgot to pack my gym socks.
It is easy to say that this was the worst day
especially when my locker got stuffed with hay.
I’ll never be late to school again
but please just let this day come to an end!

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