It Never Dies | Teen Ink

It Never Dies

May 18, 2011
By catrinachang BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
catrinachang BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Normal is just a setting on your dryer.&quot;<br /> -- Patsy Clairmont

{ i t . n e v e r . d i e s }
{ it powers the broken }
{ this is the story of human spirit }

There’s a bird that flies
in the skies of our hearts,
That keeps us together,
from falling apart.
It soars in the voices
of the oppressed,
Rings out with justice
as the hurting protest;
Dries the tears of a woman
scarred by trauma,
And brings a smile to the child
of a drunken father.
Freedom it did bring
to the dark-skinned before us,
And to modern slaves,
girls whose bodies are forfeit.
It lies in the threads
of our stars and stripes,
In American spirit,
enemy of night;
It rose with smoke
as the Twin Towers smoldered,
And flares in the eyes
of war-weary soldiers;
It won us a war,
history's rainbow,
and bids us remember
the brave who arose.
It whispers amidst despair,
"child, never say never!"
It floats from voices and keys
and tubes and strings,
Speaks through the wind
and glides on its wings.
It's found from the catches in breaths
as eyes follow the dies,
to the brilliance and vibrancy
of each new sunrise.
It keeps sinking spirits
and flooding ships afloat;
It’s invincible and everlasting,
and its name is

{ h o p e }
{ it powers the broken }
{ this is the spirit of human story }

The author's comments:
In tribute to and memory of the hopeless: when one door closes, another always opens, even if for all the world you can't see it yet.

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