Table Of Content (T.O.C.) | Teen Ink

Table Of Content (T.O.C.)

May 19, 2011
By SBryant17 SILVER, Mount Vernon, New York
SBryant17 SILVER, Mount Vernon, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"

I am a novel and love is my T.O.C .
Mapping out who I should l read to find the meaning of my heart’s novel
Between the lines, chapters of pain & foreshadowed future volumes of bliss.
I read my T.O.C. to see what love can truly be.

That 1st grade love?
That lets hold hands even though cooties will not be the death of me kind of love?
And you say you’ve never had puppy love?
I say you’ll never have that swim together to death like salmon & guppy love.
Rip my cover to see the depths of my T.O.C.
Seven leagues under Jamaican seas
See seas of changing times & tides
Moonlit smiles to control emotional currents
Love is my T.O.C.
It’s info to the make-up
Or pages prolonging life’s drama.

You’ve come across my love.
So take it and read it.

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