Beauty | Teen Ink


May 19, 2011
By daniellewaltz1 BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
daniellewaltz1 BRONZE, Destrehan, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You see it in everyone.
The moment your newborn looks at you,
As powerful as love.
An infant’s laugh,
Tickling everyone around them.
The first lost tooth,
The huge gap that humors your mother.
The moment they call you ugly,
And you walk away with pride,
Knowing they’re wrong.

When you’re faced with love,
Wondering if he was right.
Are you beautiful?
You answer the question with
Knowing that he loves you because you are.
You didn’t succumb to the mean girls,
Telling you that you need make-up,
That everyone needs it.
Yet you have natural beauty,
The beauty people are jealous of.

You walk down the aisle.
The beauty of your fathers tears,
Tears he cries because you’re the most beautiful thing he’s seen.
The beautiful glow you get
When your little bump finally arrives.
How the moment your baby girl looks at you for the first time,
It warms your heart.
How she loves you the second she arrives,
You could live in this moment forever.

Later, when you face wrinkles and gray hair,
When your grandchildren rub your face, “So soft!” they say.
How your high school sweetheart still sees the beauty within you.
Beauty within the last moment you’re here,
Beauty of your last breath,
Taking in the fulfillment life has given you.
Then you walk into the light,
Seeing God’s beautiful face,
As magnificent angel.

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