Black Flowers | Teen Ink

Black Flowers

May 18, 2011
By yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
When the world is dark smile! Your smile will make everything bright. SMILE SMILE SMILE!!!

Black flowers are different
but that didn't stop them,
from hanging with a pack
of white flowers, so soft and gentle,
easily stained by everything around it.
Black flowers could be described as depressing and rough.
But that didn't stop them,
from hanging with a pack
of red roses, rising rapidly,
so sweet and sometimes sour,
some days nice and standing tall
others mean and drooping, half dead.
Black flowers could be described as, resilient and tough,
but that doesn't stop them,
from hanging,
with ever flower alive.

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