Candy | Teen Ink


May 18, 2011
By yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
When the world is dark smile! Your smile will make everything bright. SMILE SMILE SMILE!!!

Sweet, Salty, Slimy, Sour
Which gives you the most power?
Crispy, Crumble-y, Crunchy
Is you favorite super munch-y?
Hard, Huge, Hot
Which would you throw in the pot?
Candy is people
People are candy
There's no difference.
Just check your flavor,
check if its
sweet, salty, slimy, sour, crispy, crumble-y, crunchy, hard, huge, and hot.
Each one is different.

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