Loving You | Teen Ink

Loving You

June 23, 2011
By Excape_The_Fate BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
Excape_The_Fate BRONZE, Wayland, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
‎"Gay, straight, retarded....why do we have to put labels on everything?"

Loving you is like taking a bite out of the most sweetest candy,
like wanting to say i love you over and over,
whispering your name in the wind
watching the sun rise and fall on everyone,
dreams of making tomorrow all ours.
writing your name in chalk and have it erased by the rain.
like having a candy bar and eating it until it is gone.
no longer having sweet candy in my mouth
once the sun falls permanently we are just another whisper in the wind.

The author's comments:
This Poem reminded me of a boy like and a lot of other girls like him as well,one minute he says he loves you and the next minute its goodbye.

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