Make It All Seem New | Teen Ink

Make It All Seem New

June 30, 2011
By music_man748 PLATINUM, Monett, Missouri
music_man748 PLATINUM, Monett, Missouri
45 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"To fully understand living, we must first live in full understanding." J-Moore

All I want to do tonight,
is hold you close to me,
I want to feel your warmth,
and I want to feel free,
nothing has ever been so sure,
in the life that I live in,
and I swear with all that I have,
I will never hurt you again,
the thought of losing you,
stabs me through the heart,
I can't take that kind of pain,
so I need us to restart,
please don't throw this all away,
I need to be with you,
so i want to start us over,
and make it all seem new

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