I Must Believe | Teen Ink

I Must Believe

July 19, 2011
By TheDarkAngelGirl GOLD, Staten Island, New York
TheDarkAngelGirl GOLD, Staten Island, New York
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;When you come to the edge of all that you know, you must believe one of two things: either there will be ground to stand on, or you will be given wings to fly.&quot; <br /> &mdash; O.R. Melling (The Summer King)

A cloud has descended upon the valley
With your hands around my waist you tell me not to worry
Do I close my eyes and slowly fade to grey
Or do I push away this feeling of want for something I'm not sure of
The only way to know is to jump right in
The only way to start a story is simply to begin

I escape from your grasp and take steps back
Your smile has become too hard to see
Back, back. I must not falter
Your eyes, what color were they
I can't seem to recall any color but the storm's
I must not stop, I must remain strong

Turning away I run towards what I cannot see
The sea of black has swallowed me
But still I do not falter, still I cannot stop
This beating heart of mine sings to me of hope
I close my eyes to gain the sight that otherwise is lost to us
I feel out with my being, capable to see without seeing

There is a power deep inside
The part of me I've hidden away
She calls to me and tells me of the sky
The blues it reflects off of the sea
And the crimson of the Sunrise
This feeling continues growing

My muscles burn
My heart it beats
My eyes are closed
I must believe
Now I've reached the edge of all I know
Still, I must believe
That I can Fly

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