Change | Teen Ink


July 20, 2011
By Josie Vargas SILVER, Waller, Texas
Josie Vargas SILVER, Waller, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The simplest words can fill in any space, as for everything about me can be so contagious. Nothing like venom, yet so addicting while the adrenalin is rushed within. Deep feelings, no sorrow. The next word can change within an hour as for a poem can stay for a life sentence. Those who walk with me see the very reflection that I see. Not impossible yet so unique. Something they would call EPIC, and its exactly what I want it to be. Its my change, and it will forever be.

The author's comments:
I had to make a change..
I was in a position where no one could help me no one could make me do anything. Now that ive changed. I know I will never go back to doing the things I did.

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