To love the one who hates | Teen Ink

To love the one who hates

July 21, 2011
By Morgan Kuennen GOLD, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Morgan Kuennen GOLD, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
11 articles 0 photos 6 comments

she was there always.
for always no doubt.
he was gone.
never around.
no one loved her.
especially him.
she was lost.
no will to live.
no one knew.
how she felt.
to be alone.
like during a drought.
i wanted to be there.
till her last breathe.
but she told me to leave
to never return.
so i walked out the door.
her life was doomed.
after that night.
then the day came.
and she was gone.
pills by the bed.
razors on the floor.
a bloody nightmare.
upon the floor.
the little girl.
who the angels cared.
was no more.

The author's comments:
My father not being around much

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