Thunder | Teen Ink


June 3, 2011
By SalBarbagallo BRONZE, Peabody, Massachusetts
SalBarbagallo BRONZE, Peabody, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

If you were thunder and I was lightning
We'd create a downpour that floods the world;
Because this world is ours
Is ours to take
And mold into our wildest dreams

Dreams filled with endless sunsets
And beachside naps;
Dreams built on picnic tables
And ice cold lemonade;

Rainfall washes the past away;
People lie when they say the past is here to stay;
Regrets are only foundation for improvement;
Foundation to build a new house
In your little heart

My lightning struck your little house
And it made your thunder rumble;
The floods rushed in and I saved you
You saved me
Saved me from drowning

Your thunder sang me to sleep
Asleep in a better place;
Your song protected me
Protected me from fate;
The fate of being washed away
And washed away from my dreams
My wildest dreams

The author's comments:
Everyone has someone.

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